Club sync
In this article I want to tell you what club synchronization is, how it is done, why you need it and when you need to synchronize your club.
Club sync is sending a list of your players to the server.
All calculations for SBC execution are done on the server. The result of the calculation is sent to the plugin, and the plugin already inserts the required players into the challenge. To perform calculations, the server must know what players are in your club.
When you just started using the plugin, you need to do the synchronization. Further, during operation, the plugin already tracks changes in your club, and itself updates the list of players on the server. However, there are situations when the composition on the server may not correspond to what it actually is (desynchronization), this happens when you do something (open packs, buy / sell players) not through the FUT Web App but in the game itself, or sometimes to the differences in the compositions are caused by errors in the plugin itself.
The main problem with desynchronization is that the server can insert a card into the SBC that is no longer in the club. This SBC is not executed (the end button is not active) and when the players are rearranged, a save error pops up.
To solve the problem, you need to perform a new sync.
How to sync.
It is important to remember that before performing synchronization, you need to refresh the Web application window in the browser (F5), this is necessary to reset the internal cache of players in the FUT Web App.
After re-entering the FUT Web App, select the 'Club Sync' item in the plugin menu.

Then you need to wait until the plugin finishes performing the actions necessary for scanning the club. The plugin will go to the club and scroll to the end. Then it will display a message about the completion of synchronization. If the completion message came out before the last club page appeared on the screen, do not worry, this is normal - the fact is that the FUT Web App loads players from the EA Sports server with pages of 100 players, and displays 20, the plugin understands that all the club pages are loaded and ends syncing.
You can synchronize the club yourself by scrolling through the list of players to the end, but when the plugin does the synchronization itself, it does it with optimization (the display of additional interface elements is disabled), and before starting the scan, the plugin removes all players from your club (without this, often in the club there were extra players left, which led to auto-completion errors).
Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about the synchronization of the club in FutEasy plugin. If you notice any errors in this text, if after reading it you still have questions, I will be glad to hear your questions on email or in telegrams